Leadership Team

Velma Latson, Ph.D
President & CEO

Velma Latson is the CEO and President of S & L Consulting. Velma has a strong, passionate commitment to adult literacy and digital literacy. Velma has a strong management, educational and technical background earned from over 30 years of computer technology, engineering, and educational experience. Velma is a Gulf War Veteran having supported the United States Air Staff at the Pentagon while serving in the U.S. Air Force.

Velma holds a Bachelor of Science in Communications from Clarion University of Pennsylvania with a minor in Computer Applications and Information Systems; two Master of Science degrees, one in Information Systems from Hawaii Pacific University and the other in Instructional Technology from Towson University of Maryland. Velma received a Doctor of Management from University of Maryland University of College.

Velma runs a non-profit organization Do Great Things (DTG)© which introduces young girls to STEM. When not working with the non-profit, Velma also enjoys spending time with family and friends..